Why is my page broken? Unclosed HTML

Are you experiencing unexpected formatting issues on your web page, such as all text appearing in italics or bold? The culprit might be unclosed HTML tags. This guide will help you identify and fix these issues.

Common Symptoms

  • Text appearing in italics or bold when not intended
  • Formatting applied to larger sections of text than expected


  • Manually added HTML tags that weren't properly closed
  • HTML introduced by copying and pasting from other sources (e.g., Word documents)

Solution: Using the Unclosed HTML Checker

  1. Visit https://eventengine.tv/unclosed-html/
  2. Paste the URL of your problematic page into the provided field
  3. Click "Check HTML"
  4. Review the results, which will highlight any unclosed tags

How to Fix

Watch the video above or follow this step by step guide.

  1. In your page editor, locate the unclosed tags identified by the checker
  2. Either:
    • Close the tag properly (e.g., add </i> for an unclosed <i> tag)
    • Remove the tag if it's unnecessary
  3. Save your changes
  4. Refresh your page to see the fixes
  5. Re-run the HTML checker to confirm all issues are resolved

Remember: Properly closing HTML tags ensures your web page displays as intended and maintains a professional appearance.

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