Pricing table module
The pricing table can be used in various sections in your site. You can use this module to display your pricing to your users in a clear and concise table format.
Simply drag the pricing table module from the modules tray to where you wish it to be placed.
General configuration
Use the popup configuration panel that appears which allows you to add your pricing boxes and configure each boxes content including the styling for that particular box.
Button configuration
Within an individual pricing box you can establish your button text, link and styling.
These options can be seen on the 'Button' tab.
Styling the pricing boxes
Within the module there is the option for global styling of the whole module which is under the 'Style' tab which allows you to control:
- the element you wish to highlight
- border styling
- spacing
- and more
On the individual pricing box when you add/edit the pricing box there is also a 'Style' tab available for you to utilise.
Here you can control:
- border colour
- accent colour
- and more
Finally the advanced tab allows for responsive settings, entry animations and more.
Press “Save” to lock in your changes.