How to design a custom header or footer
The Event Engine customiser gives you a lot of control over your website header and footer, however in some circumstances you may require a completely custom layout.
This could be to showcase a sponsor or to match specific content journeys you wish to pursue.
You can design from scratch custom headers and footers that you can then select to show either throughout your event website, or even just in certain sections.
Accessing the builder area
To design new elements you will need to navigate to the builder area. In here you can create any number of page layouts and other elements that can be used throughout the website using logic that you dictate.
First go into the administration area of your event website and click on "Builder".
Creating your header or footer
Now click on Add New which will bring you to a form.
In this form give your page element a name, leave "Type" set to "Themer layout" and then select if this is to appear as a header or footer.
Then press "Add Theme Layout" button to create.
For example:
Designing your header or footer
Before you select where you want your new header or footer to appear, you should next design it.
You do this by launching the "EE Builder".
Here is a short introduction video to designing a custom header:
Selecting where things should appear
You may have a use case that requires certain headers and footers in certain areas, or alternatively you may just wish them to appear everywhere.
Once you have designed your header you can go back to edit the "Themer Layout" via the admin bar.
Now scroll down to "Theme Layout Settings" to select where your new design should appear.
Here is a short introduction video in using this section: