Using Safe Mode

You've published or saved a page in EE Builder and now you're unable to open it for further editing. What should you do?

This situation commonly occurs after you've inserted custom code (such as JavaScript or HTML markup that isn't well-formed) into a module in EE Builder.

Fortunately, there's a simple troubleshooting method available. You can access Safe Mode to open the page and address the issue with the module containing the problematic code. Safe Mode allows you to edit the page in EE Builder while disabling the rendering of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Instead, you'll see a [SAFEMODE] message along with module identification for each element in the layout, as illustrated in the screenshot below.

Enabling Safe Mode

To use safe mode while editing a page in EE Builder:

  1. Open the page as usual in EE Builder.
  2. Once the page fails to open correctly, append &safemode to the end of the site URL.


  3. Take a careful look at each module, keeping an eye out for any custom HTML or JavaScript elements. Remember, you can add custom HTML in any field that allows text input, while JavaScript is often found in HTML or Text Editor modules.
  4. Publish or save the page.
  5. You can now try opening the page again in EE Builder as you normally do and check if the page is working.

[fl-safe] shortcode

The [fl-safe] shortcode allows you to incorporate code that is known to conflict with EE Builder or potentially disrupt the EE Builder user interface (UI). While the EE Builder editor is active on a page or post, any code enclosed within the [fl-safe] shortcode will not be rendered. Once the page is published, it will be automatically refreshed, ensuring smooth operation.


// Your code here...


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